Life is a journey. I'm looking for an authentic sense of place, for authentic experiences of food, culture, history, nature. I hope that you find something here that's interesting and useful on your journey.

Road Food, Diners and Delis

Road Food, Diners and Delis

The first thing you should do if you need to know about Road Food is to go to Jane and Michael Stern's wonderful blog:  It's encyclopedic, interactive and wonderful. 

I was talking to a friend yesterday about road food - because we all travel and we all eat. She's headed to Pennsylvania, driving through Hartford, Connecticut. "Don't miss Rein's Deli!!!" I cried. If you'll be anywhere near Hartford, or have any excuse to be anywhere near Hartford, go there: As fine a deli as I've ever found, and maybe the most conveniently located. 

I’ll be adding recommendations as I find them.

Blue Bird Restaurant, Rt. 1, Machias, Maine - - good solid road food, excellent breakfast, fine corned beef hash, homemade Anadama toast, local blueberry jam, hearty dinners.

Nicky’s Cruisin’ Diner, Bangor, Maine - - excellent diner, fast, reasonable, good menu, breakfast all day, tabletop jukeboxes!

Montreal - and a little of Quebec City, Part 1

Montreal - and a little of Quebec City, Part 1

Favorite Places

Favorite Places