Life is a journey. I'm looking for an authentic sense of place, for authentic experiences of food, culture, history, nature. I hope that you find something here that's interesting and useful on your journey.

10 favorite things: February

10 favorite things: February

It’s cold outside (today! otherwise, not so much). I’m pondering what I like about February and some other favorite things:

1) days are getting longer, sun is getting stronger. spring is coming! fishing season, too!

2) puttering at home - de-cluttering, rearranging, making music, cooking, baking, garden planning, reading, watching movies, fiber arts

3) winter on the coast of Maine. Yes. It’s beautiful, sometimes unpleasant, often pretty damp and icy - but so quiet!

4) planning fun for warmer days!

5) travel plans and daydreasms

6) knowing almost everyone I see in the store

7) online learning - there’s SO much available!

8) starting seeds - right now, just microgreens for indoors

9) the silhouettes of winter trees

10) birds at my feeders

Self-care and immune support in times of stress

Self-care and immune support in times of stress

Winter Day Trips

Winter Day Trips